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National Honor Society

National Honor Society is an academic and service organization with a long tradition in the Ankeny Community School District. At Ankeny Centennial High School we plan and sponsor the Northern Lights Dance, perform service projects, and donate money to school improvement projects. Students with a 3.5 unweighted grade point average can apply for membership by completing the application, which is linked below. The application is then reviewed by a group of teachers who make the final decision as to membership.


To recognize students who have exhibited a commitment to scholarship, community service, and an involvement in extracurricular activities at Ankeny Centennial High School.

Tryouts: Admission is by application. Application window opens in mid- January.

Time Committment: Varies

Requirements: Members must complete an application and be admitted by a vote of a teacher committee. Students must have an unweighted cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above to be eligible for admission.

Questions regarding membership should be directed to Mr. Tim Garner, who is the sponsor for National Honor Society.

To fill out this form digitally, open the following link and make a copy.  Add your name in the title.

National Honor Society Application Form

Upon completion of the online form, a printed version must be turned in for Mr. Garner.