Activities Yard Sign/Decal Order Due March 10
Order your yard sign or decal for activities – see the order form for all the signs/decals available. Orders due to the Activities Office by March 10.
Open Mic’ Night February 11
The next Open Mic’ Night is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, at 5:00 PM in the Ankeny High School Media Center. Come share your talents or just enjoy the show! See Mr. Honz at Centennial or Mrs. Wirtz at AHS if you are interested in performing!
Trap Club Meeting February 4
If you are interested in joining the Centennial Trap Club, please plan to attend an information meeting on Tuesday, February 4. The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM in the CHS Commons. Students in grades 8-12 and their parents should plan to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Karen Myers at karen.myers
Boys Soccer Meeting February 2
If you are interested in joining the Centennial boys soccer team, please plan to attend an information meeting on Sunday, February 2, at 5:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the CHS Commons and is for all players 9-12 grade and their parents. If you are unable to attend, please contact Coach Brian Duax at
Gary Telford Athletic Scholarship
The GaryTelford Scholarship 2025 application is now available for submission. Any Ankeny School District senior who has participated (as athlete or manager) in at least two (2) sports each year for grades 10, 11, 12 while simultaneously maintaining a minimum requirement 3.0 cumulative GPA is eligible to apply. Four $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to one male and one female recipient from AHS and ACHS who plan to attend a post-high school educational program. Applications are due to your respective Activities Office no later than Friday, March 28. Printed Scholarship Applications are also available in the CHS Activities Office.
Ankeny Centennial Drama Presents: “Trap”
Experience the suspenseful mystery of Trap—a high school play that takes a chilling turn when the entire audience falls unconscious, except for one person. Can you solve the mystery?
- November 1-2 at 7 PM
- November 3 at 2 PM
Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students. Purchase tickets online or at the door. Don’t miss it!
2024-2025 8th grade Winter Athletic Information
Athletic Participation REQUIRED information
- Parents, please complete our online registration process ASAP if you have a winter student/athlete.
- Your student must have an updated physical and completed online registration to participate. Here is the link to complete the registration:
The winter season offers 8th grade athletes a split-season structure in the CIML conference that offers Girls’ Basketball & Boys’ Wrestling in the early season (mid October – late December) and Boys’ Basketball in the late winter season (late December – late February) Girls’ Wrestling will take place (early November – late January). Please see the details below.
Click here to view any of our CIML sports team schedules.
8th Boys Wrestling
Practice begins Wednesday, October 16th at NVMS after school (4:00-5:30 pm)
- 8th Wrestling Meeting – 8:00 am East Gym; Thursday, Oct. 3rd
- There will be an 8th Wrestling Parent Meeting – 6:00-6:30pm – NV Room 1103 (Please use Main Entrance); Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
Contact Coach Nathan Smith with questions:
8th Girls Wrestling
Practice starts Nov. 4th in the gym at Orbis (Northview).
- There will be an 8-12 informational parent meeting Sunday, Nov 3rd at 5pm (Northview MS Small Gym). Enter through doors S-10
Contact one of the coaches with questions. Mykel Carlson or Lori Staples:
8th Girls’ Basketball
Informational meeting will be held on Monday, October 1 from 7:50-8:10 AM in the Northview East Gym.
Practice begins Wednesday, October 16th from 3:45-5:30 PM at Northview Middle School.
Contact Coach Tony Klein with questions:
8th Boys Basketball
There will be a players only informational meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd at 3:45pm in the cafeteria for students interested. If you can’t make the meeting after school on December 3rd, please stop by Coach Thiele’s classroom (room 1306) sometime to get signed up. Official start date for practice will be Friday, January 3rd. There will be optional practices on Wednesday, December 18th and Thursday, December 19th after school from 4:00-5:30 at Prairie Ridge.
Contact Coach Jacob Thiele with questions:
You can follow @nv8bball on X (Twitter) for updates throughout the season.
8th Grade Boys’ /Girls’ Swimming
Practice will begin in mid February and the season will end the week before spring break. We practice every school day from 4:15-6:00 at NV Middle School Pool . Boys and girls from both Northview and Southview can participate. Coach Rhoads will meet with interested students after Winter break. Watch the school TV’s and follow school announcements for more information.
Contact Coach Dustin Rhoads if you have any questions:
Security Practices – Please Read
One of the great things about Ankeny Schools is the community’s support of our athletics and activities. These events bring thousands of people together to celebrate the achievement of students. Because security is of utmost importance, the district continues to review its practices and identify areas of improvement at such events. As a result, we implement security measures for our activities and events.
Security practices:
- Grades 6-12 must wear school ID while at the game
- Footballs are not allowed
- No baby powder, confetti, signs, noisemakers
- No weapons (real or look-alike)
- The North gate will remain secured at all times unless a team, band, or emergency personnel need access to the stadium
- Families will be encouraged to ensure that students in grades K-5 be accompanied by an adult
- Entrance to the stadium before an event will not be allowed
- There will be no re-entry after leaving the stadium
- Spectators will not be allowed to bring backpacks and large handbags into the stadium; Diaper bags or medical bags are allowed, but are subject to search
- No outside food or drink
- No access without a ticket or pass, including after halftime
These recommendations are the result of numerous conversations with security experts and a review of our current practices. Security can often be at odds with convenience. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our students and spectators. We look forward to cheering on the Hawks and Jaguars with you this Fall.
2024 8th Grade Fall Athletic Information
2024 8th grade Fall Athletic Information
Athletic Participation REQUIRED information
- Parents, please complete our online registration process ASAP if you have a fall student/athlete.
- Your student must have an updated physical and completed online registration to participate. Here is the link to complete the registration:
- Even if your student-athlete will not participate in a fall sport, we are asking all families and students to complete the online process at this time.
8th Football– Practice starts August 23rd
- Remind Instructions:
Text the message @e8e4ek to the number 81010 for team communications
- Google Form (if you have not already filled it out already)
- First day of practice is Friday, August 23 after school 3:45-5:30 at NV. You must have your physical uploaded and registration complete in order to participate in practice.
Contact Coach Greg Severseike with questions:
8th Volleyball– Practice starts August 23rd – Player Meeting ONLY on the first day of practice in the main gym after school until 4:30. Make sure to have physicals submitted by the 23rd. The first day will just be making sure everyone has all of their required paperwork complete.
Practice will be 3:50 pm to 5:30 pm, except Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the season. Wednesday and Friday dismissal time will be 5:00 pm.
Please join our team Remind by texting to the number 81010 with message @gce26f or for updates and reminders throughout the summer and school year. This is our main platform for communication. Look at the schedule online for game times (this is not secured yet) at Be on the lookout for a parent meeting to be scheduled late August prior to games starting.
Contact information for coach Cara Kelly is
Cross Country
8th Girls Cross Country–
Informational meeting on Friday, August 23rd NV Cafeteria @ 4:00pm.
Practice will begin after school on Monday, August 26th
Contact Coach Kyle Benna with questions:
8th Boys Cross Country-
Athletes interested in participating in cross country can report directly to the 1st practice (East Gym lobby) on Monday, August 26th immediately after school. Practices run from 3:45 – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. We have seven(7) meets during our season with the first one on Sep. 5th and the last one on Oct. 15th. All athletes that are interested will have the opportunity to compete in every meet. If you participate in another sport (soccer, baseball, football, etc.) and are interested in cross country, we are flexible and have been able to work out a plan for athletes to do both in the past.
Please join the Remind app on your phone/computer by texting @remindjags to 81010 for information and updates throughout the season. We will have a parent meeting after practice on Monday August 26th at 5:00 pm in the cafeteria at Northview. Go to for more information about the cross country program. Contact Coach Mike Radue with questions:
ACHS Dance Team Jag Tshirts
The ACHS Dance Team is selling Jag t-shirts. Please use the link below if you would like to order! Orders are due August 4th.
Shirts will hopefully be available for pick up at the back to school events.;!!K-D90TUWVg!ZnyvTkVVCEurnXRDrSj_6BJm5m6GxSHPfVRM1vifU21i80wIp85AD50D98fi2as_VXsAWElzEC2lsIo71g$
Thank you for your support!