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Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends is a social organization for all students at Ankeny High School and Ankeny Centennial High School. The club is now run with separate activities, except for a few events.  The goal of the club is to form lasting relationships between students with special needs and their peers. These relationships are fostered in fun social situations that can not be provided during the school day. Activities are provided at little or no cost to students. No one will be turned away due to an inability to pay. Attendance at each event is not mandatory – students may choose what they wish to attend.

Important Club Information

Google Classroom Group page code: v96zqw1

Twitter: @ACHSFriends

FAQ About Circle of Friends

  1. Will each HS have a club?
    1. Yes. Events will be separate except for a few things like the Friendship Dance. Information is available from Ms. Larson in PE and Mrs. Dagel at the Java Jaguar.
  2. Where will buses leave from?
    1. All school buses for events will leave from the flag poles at the front entrance, unless the permission slip says otherwise.
  3. Do I really need a permission slip? What if I’m 18?
    1. Club policy states that to attend an event, you must have a parent signed slip, even if you are 18.
  4. Do I have to go to every event? Can I just go to the ones that sound fun?
    1. While we encourage frequent attendance to form friendships and relationships, you can attend which ever events sound fun and fit your schedule.
  5. What happens if I sign up and then get sick or can’t attend?
    1. If it is a event where we didn’t have to buy tickets and the club isn’t out any money, we might be able to give you your money back. However, if the club had to pay based on a certain number of people or had to buy tickets, you will not be able to get your money back.
  6. Can I drive to an event?
    1. If the event is located in Ankeny, the school will not provide transportation. If the event is outside of Ankeny, there will be a school bus and you must ride it to attend. Parents can pick you up with prior notification.

Contact Us

Jodi Larson Profile
Physical Education