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Parent Volunteers Make It Possible!

The Ankeny Centennial High School band program offers tremendous experiences for students. In order to provide those experiences for students, we need the help of parent volunteers. From doctors and nurses to bus chaperones, from mechanics to ticket takers, we need you and your talents and skills.

The Ankeny School District requires that all volunteers sign the Volunteer Handbook every year. A background check is required every 5 years. You can find the instructions by clicking on the button below or going to

You used to have to print out the volunteer handbook, sign it, and turn it in to each school’s office where you would potentially volunteer. Now it is a web form and you can select each school right on it. Couldn’t be easier.

So if you think you might volunteer to help out the band at all this school-year, go on out and take the couple minutes to complete it now.

We would love to have you volunteer your time to help us out! We coordinate all of our volunteers through the website Our link is:

If you are specifically looking to volunteer for the Mid-Iowa Band Championships, use this link: